IXD103 – Week 10 – Personal Brand

The last 3 weeks of the semester will focus on us creating different branding elements for a personal brand for our own use. Due to our prior knowledge of the branding process through our work on our banking brand, todays lecture focused on why a personal brand is important and some of the elements we should consider including in our work.

Its important to create a personal brand to establish your own image through your name and your work – Good for our portfolios for next year. Structuring a personal brand can be achieved using elements such as your name, your values, typography, tone of voice, colours etc.

We looked at a range of questions to evoke this such as:

  • Who are you?
  • What interests you?
  • What are your strengths?
  • How do you want to be perceived?
  • Where do you want to work?
  • How do you want to work?
  • Who are you trying to impress? 


    The Brand is me and who I am

    The Product is my work and my designs

    The Experience is how people when dealing with me

    All of this comes together to make Value Proposition


    Designer Brands i.e., fashion designers are a good place to look at for different ideas of either monograms or combinations e.g., Ralph Lauren etc. Combined with a range of different brand touchpoints most importantly tools like business cards etc.


I found the process of looking at the different Touchpoints  and how to make yourself as a brand standout very interesting particularly Daniels story of how he sent his CV to companies in a poster tube to help him stand out among other applicants.

The most important takeaway from todays lecture for me today was that Everything I do Speaks, and this means that putting the extra effort into the smallest aspects of my work will reward me in the future and how they reflect on me.



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