IXD104 – Master Apprentice Tasks

The Master-Apprentice model has been around for years with Dutch painter Rembrandt who would use the technique on his pupils. He would not allow them to work from live models until they had copied his drawings, prints and paintings multiple times over.

Paul set this task for us, challenging us to recreate 2 sets of travel icons in preparation for us creating our own icons in our travel app project later on. I used Figma to recreate the icons and at the start it was a difficult project as I was using simple geometric shapes but when putting more time into it I was able to use these shapes and edit existing ones so I could create the icons which I have shown below

Original Icons

My Icons

After creating these sets of icons we were given a more difficult master apprentice task recreating a skyline of our choice and I choose the London skyline example we were given as I thought it would challenge my new found iconography skills to the limit. This is how it went:

Original Image

My Attempt

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