IXD103 – Week 7 – Landing Pages

Todays lecture aimed to guide us on how to create brand online using tools such as landing pages which help a company show themselves off to consumer highlighting their key messages, values and features.  A brands landing page I found that I thought was a great example I could follow was Gusto Wallet. I felt they had a great balance between text and image led content on their page and also integrated the use of icons and enhanced typography to help split the content up. The consistent colour scheme helps to compliment the typography and makes it more readable for the user also.


Before we went to plan what we would include on our landing page there was a range of elements to consider like what message was our brand actually trying to communicate and what our unique selling points to the user actually are. Sites like One Page Love and Media Queries allowed me to see a range of ways I could lay mine out and gave me a good head start for the planning section of the project.

We were also introduced to the Osborne Checklist – SCAMPER:

Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Rearrange

The task that involved us using sticky notes to brainstorm what ideas and content we would want included.


This excersizes allowed me to see the range of different elements that my landing page can included and it now allows  me to go off and make rough planning sketches for my landing page in preparation for creating a digital version.

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