IXD103 – Master Apprentice Bank Screens Task

In our lecture we were tasked with using the existing elements that we created for our banking brand and use our skills we have developed in UI and recreate some current banking app screens with our branding and colour schemes throughout.

The first screen I decided to recreate was that of my current banking provider, Ulster Bank and their welcoming screen with the Face ID feature. I wanted to test my UI and icon skills by creating the Face ID icon myself instead of just using a still image. I applied my colour scheme and wordmark to the screen and I was very happy with the results.

The second screen I recreated was that of Starling Bank and their circular spending tracker as I felt I could add some design elements to it that would challenge my UI skills but ultimately I am very happy with the outcome.

The third and final screen I decided to recreate was the Monzo transactions screen. This allowed me to rebrand the logo and icons and also implement my own personal bank card on the screen also. This is how it came out:


I decided to put my screens in an iPhone frame to finish the task and they are shown below:

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