IXD102: Project 02-Presentation Research

Our Group, ‘The Pixels’, decided to create our research presentation on the Pioneers of Web Design, deciding to explore a range of topics ranging from the first website and to how web design has affected society today. My role in the presentation was to look into the modern side of web design and how it has affected day to day activity and completely changed some aspects for good. To show the development of web design I though I would highlight 2 main topics, firstly the growth of the company amazon and secondly the change in communication methods.

This is what I learned from my research:


Before becoming a global store selling nearly everything their consumers desire, Amazon was just seen as an online bookstore. Amazon was founded in the garage of Bezos’ rented home in Bellevue, Washington. Bezos’ parents invested almost $250,000 in the start-up. In July 1995, Amazon opened as an online bookseller, selling the world’s largest collection of books to anyone with World Wide Web access.

Bezos seen the potential growth that the web could have, reading a report about the future of the Internet that projected annual web commerce growth at 2,300%, deciding to create a list of 20 products that could be marketed online, eventually settling on books being Amazon’s main product.

The progression in web design allowed them to transition into a online superstore stocking all products from A-Z. Since June 19, 2000, Amazon’s logotype has featured a curved arrow leading from A to Z, representing that the company carries every product from A to Z, with the arrow shaped like a smile.

The Amazon website attracted at least 615 million visitors annually by 2008 and according to Alexa Internet rankings, amazon.com is the third most popular website in the United States and the 11th most popular website worldwide. It has now cemented itself as one of the biggest online suppliers of any product you could think of.

Transitioning from a simple online bookstore to now a multi-platform company through its online superstore, streaming service and now even opening up traditional stores with their Amazon Go stores opening in 2018.

Communication Today:

The standard methods of communication are speaking or writing by a sender and listening or reading the receiver. Most communication is oral, with one party speaking and others listening.

With the major development in web design, social media has become one of if not the biggest form of communication in the 21st century. Social media networks allow us the opportunity to share opinions with a far wider audience. It has created no filter on the way we speak, with communication in the past meaning you had no way of getting your message across unless speaking to a person directly.

The rise of social media has changed the world’s perspective on communication. The increase in the speed of communication has created a sense of urgency and a need to share things among people however the rise in popularity of communication through social media isn’t all positive. People today have such a need for social media consumption and the instant feedback it gives and this has meant they will often become bored during real conversations, resorting to their phones. There is a decrease in the number of quality meaningful conversations.

Also, one of the main issues with social media today is that due to the widespread communication you can have with people all over the world, it can lead you to have unrealistic expectations of yourself. Social Media can lead to mental health and body image problems with you constantly being exposed to your ideal body type, leading to constant comparison of yourself to unrealistic standards.

So despite the huge improvements in communication through web design, allowing people to communicate and network with people all over the world, as you can see there is some huge problems that is caused by this global networking.


My Research allowed me to see how important the developments in web design have been over the last 20 years, changing our day to day lives completely. How we shop, how we communicate and interact with each other and how we undergo tasks everyday. From the first website created by Tim Berners Lee the process of web design has become one of the most important aspects for a company today as how a brand looks online reflects how consumers will feel about their brand.



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