
Character Style

For the Antagonist it’s sort of a two in one situation. I am primarily going to be working on a huntsman character but the main villian is a shadow that is possessing the huntsman.

Revenge Shadow

For the revenge shadow I looked at shadow demon characters and designs that would be helpful in creating that character. In this I took note of the shadow demon character Watcher from the ‘Darksiders’ game and will use that as my primary influence for the shadow design.


For the huntsman look I want to go for a lumberjack/village woodsman design as that fits the character’s backstory of being a local huntsman who was wrongly imprisoned and is now looking for revenge. So with a good lumberjack look I want to make it seem aged or more rough and rugged.


Body Work

So the body of the huntsman is gonna be big and bulky, imposing hopefully. To be honest this was the harded design to do as I just couldn’t get the proportions right to make the man to be menacing. But I hoped the clothes and some digital work could change that.



So using the above images of lumberjacks and the like I created some outfits. Which was kinda disappointing to be honest. The outfits I drew weren’t menacing at all. Just made the guy look like your friendly neighbourhood woodsman. Really annoying.

Outfits 4 and 6 have the best rough and rugged look to them, especially 6, so I might work towards that design and see what changes I can add to the full body to give a more imposing evil look.


This part was hard. I just didn’t know what would work. What was wild? Do I want it really wild or calmer? Do I cover the face? So instead of thinking forever I just drew some things. Some things kinda worked, some didn’t. In the end I went with option 6 as it seemed like something I could work with.

Full Body

The full body… I don’t like it. The proportion of top body and lower body is off. Maybe if I changed the pose it could have worked. But at the moment the design is just annoying me.


Change In Villian

So at that point I decided to scrap the huntsman and focus on the shadow character. And I really like what I did. I think I made the right choice in changing priority of Antagonist. In creating this character I mainly used the ‘For Effect’ pen tool. I used to to create white lines and when I saw them, I thought to myself, why not make the whole body like this. It’s a shadow creature and has no form, so this would be a good way to show that. So except for the head, horn and arm, the whole body was drawn using that pen tool. I also blended in some black to give it a shadow like look to it.

If done properly, I should have created different ideas of shadow creatures and worked from that. Instead I jumped ahead and did the final thing. At this point my time was limited and I still had more work to do.

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