Category: Animation Studio

Week 3 Homework – Tone and Value

Seeing the assignments and looking over the lesson content, I began working on the tone/value thumbnails for the class on Thursday. It was a little tricky since the first thumbnail I made was complex thanks to the presence of the bamboo in the foreground and mid-ground. The next one took a while, but once I…Continue Reading Week 3 Homework – Tone and Value

Week 1-2 – World-building Teamwork Project

On the first week of Animation Studio, our assignment was to work in teams and make a world of our own. The first instructions were to “write down 100 ideas and narrow them down to 5.” After coming up with several ideas and immersing ourselves in a particular one, we were further split up into…Continue Reading Week 1-2 – World-building Teamwork Project

Week 2 Assignment – World-building Thumbnails

Our Assignment for this week had been to A, have our group meet up in person to discuss and explain our world building project and its details. B, trace 3 screen captures from an animation (or many) and trace the perspective lines within the shots. And C, make 12 thumbnail sketches of the world-building project…Continue Reading Week 2 Assignment – World-building Thumbnails

Week 1 – Shape and Form Homework:

During the last week, we were looking at Form and Shape in animation and animated characters. The homework we were assigned that week was to pick three cartoon characters we liked and try to find the underlying shapes used in their forms. The main shapes we were supposed to use were the cone, cylinder, pyramids,…Continue Reading Week 1 – Shape and Form Homework: