3D Literacy Assignment 2 – “Cute Character”: Dev Week 2

Working on gathering references and still trying to get used to blender. I can’t for the life of me get it, but I don’t want to give up because I like it too much.

In the last week I was working on ideas for what to work on, and three came to mind, an alien pet, a spider centaur, and a “cat-fish”. The later two were more concrete and seemed to be more easily attainable than the abstract notion of “alien pet”. So I went to Pinterest and began looking for ideas on both.

I finished gathering my ideas on a pinterest board and began exploring my two ideas. I then decided to stick with the “cat fish” idea since it would be simpler, and my time was running out. In class Henry reminded us to use anatomical references when designing our characters so that we can shape our primitives on them and make them look good. With that in mind I began gathering more ideas for the Cat fish including anatomy and muscle layouts for otters and cats.

I then began working on modeling the cat-fish, starting with the blocking-pass. I made some primitives in Blender and made a few early sculptures. Henry told me I should simplify it a bit more after I showed him the forst one so I reduced the amount of primitives a bit after that.

The next thing was deforming the primitives and adding some more shapes to model. I also added the original drawing to Blender to keep the model more source accurate. Thanks to Henry pointing it out, I managed to do it and progress with the model throughout the week.

I’ve gotten as far as the final additions to the model now, I only need the eyes, nose, and mouth which I’ll hopefully get to work on and finish this next week.

After that I’ll see what else needs to be done and Henry will teach us about posing and rendering the model so that should be enough to leave my work cut out.


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