Darren’s Portfolio


Week 1: Form & Shape

Desconstructing character designs to learn about their form and shape.


Week 2: Composition & Perspective


Demonstrating composition, using different camera angles, environments, times of day, and different situations.

Lore and world-building pieces during this week. To make the world feel like a place embroiled with myths and history .

Week 3: Tone and Value

World building with more detail, an exercise in adding tone and value to a scene.

Week 4: Colour


Exercises utilising colours to to help convey moods and emotions. The first image is peace and calmness, the second image is silence and mysticism, and the third image features a monochrome palette that I think instill beauty and uneasiness.

Some environmental/wildlife from the BioLuminescent world  I was briefly a part of. The idea was the the world looked bleak and baron during the day, but the beauty and danger came out at night.

Week 5: Character Design

Characters for the BioLuminescent world. I tried making them have different contrasting influences, so they’d each have unique characteristics.



Week 6: One on One Tutorials


During this week I tried designing the character-style for the Constellation World, and tried creating a walk-cycle for them.


Week 7: Animation Introduction

An exercise in framing/keyframing multiple bouncing balls varying in weight.


Week 8: Storyboard and Flour Sack Animation


Simple flour sack animation showcases a variety of movements and positions.

Rough animated storyboard showcasing the potential sequences, transitions, locations etc.


Week 9: Animatic


Rough animatic showcasing the idea for a my scene and the transitions within it.



Week 11: Addition work on our World’s Animation


Second Draft of my Animation

Elements from my animation.

Week 12: Further Work on Finalising the Animation


Refined backgrounds, art, textures, lighting, linework, line-weight.



Week 13: Completing the Animation

Link to the Completed Group Animation;

Final draft of my Animation before some timing changes were made.


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