My Self Reflection during this semester
This semester was by far the most interesting one, and I can tell by my previous work that I have been taught a lot to grow as a designer. The branding project was by far one of the most interesting projects I’ve done in my history in school, due to the fact that I had to push myself out of my comfort zone to properly do the project and be able to reach my own level of satisfaction with the outcome.
A lot of the project went well, there were a lot of fun and interesting things to be taught, the research bit, for the brand and for the course was very interesting to get to know how it works to give a company a face and a personality. It is something I could have never thought about researching before, because frankly, prior to this I wasn’t interested in it. But now after the project is done, I can’t help but to analyze businesses that I’m a consumer at. I would say that I’m pleased with what I achieved and was taught during this semester.
I am, however, I’m not entirely happy with what I did during this semester, I felt like I could have done more to achieve more. I didn’t spend enough time on certain stuff while on the other hand, I spent way too much time on other tasks. Such consumer research was something I thoroughly enjoyed, just gathering information from people and creating something from there made me realize a lot about myself, which I’m happy with. However, I felt like I let myself down a lot in the graphic design part of the project. I’m happy with the outcome of the website and the application prototype I made for the brand, but I could have done much more with the logo and added graphics. I should have spent more time on paper before I jumped into the digital to get more ideas out, it might have improved my project even more, and it’s something I really want to bring with me in the future.
For next year I’m prepared to better myself in many ways, first of all by spending more time behind the pen before I move onto the screen, and I’m also prepared to spend more of my time doing research because it was my biggest flaw this year. The lack of research and documenting is not acceptable. There was a lot of work that got lost on the way because of technical difficulties since I didn’t store it properly. I plan to become more organized and spend more time doing the work I should do, do it much better, and much more to be able to grow and have more potential to become a better designer.
Thank you for reading.