IXD103 Bank brand Process/Outcome

Starting to Design

I started off with looking into symbols that I could use that would inspire me for my logo and wordmark along with the name. Patience was the main factor, so I looked into Greek and Roman mythology along with animals and flowers as well.


This lead me to the name of Ally. I was very close to choosing Aster however, I saw that the name was suggested by someone else In my class and I wanted to avoid any confusion their could be so I want with the symbol, Allium which then got shorted to Alli but it had reminded me of a existing brand so instead of the I, it was changed to a Y. This was the creation of Ally.

With the research of the brand on its way, I wanted to start on my creation of my wordmark. I wanted to take a modern approach however, also reflect the calmness I wanted to express of my brand so I started experimenting with typefaces that I got that feel from. Before I did that, I created some sketches so I could visually see on paper want I liked.



I then went to illustrator and started experimenting

These where my experimentation however, I didn’t like the outcomes and did feel it fit my theme so I took a different approach with my wordmark.

With my Logo mark, I knew I wanted to use a monogram or the letter A from the bank name to be in my logo. Using the A from the word mark, I didn’t want that to be the only thing that was used in my logo, so I’d decided to use the flower symbol in my logo. Allium is a purple flower that represents the symbol of Patience so I wanted to combine this flower with logo.

When it came to choosing colour, I wanted to pick colours that I feel added to the modern feel to my brand. The colour blue is a very traditional and repetitive colour that is used for banks and it was this feel I wanted to avoid. I wanted to experiment with other colours but keep it relevant to my brand. White and black was a given in my brand but I decided to go for pastels such as purple and orange and I feel the two went very well together. I always used to think that colours like this in a brand was calming and made a subconscious trust to begin with. The purple also fitted in with the brands flowers within its logo.

After choosing the colours, logo and wordmark, i started to focus on how I could created touch-points with my brand and I felt that an obvious one was a debit/credit card as it is a small and useful way of branding but can also be trendy, especially when choosing colours that aren’t really seen on traditional cards. I also liked the idea of creating a iPhone cover for my brand but was created for holding your card along with a protection as well. It related back to the bank concept and was something I thought would be a good marketing strategy.

With all these created I wanted to start on my banking app as I felt that I now had the the details needed to start on what my app will look like.

With my app developed I moved onto creating my Landing pages which I had used web flow to help me create these pages. Web flow was a site that helped me created landing pages in a much easier way as I felt that I knew what I was doing and I found that any issue i had, I was able to fix straight away. It also offered tutorials and other ways of how to use the site.

The link to my landing page:

Business – Webflow HTML website



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