IXD103 Week 9: Research and Medium Article

For this class, we primarily focused on research and how to write when approaching a subject within this section. The day was spilt into tasks with the first about researching your own article about branding.

Take any case study about branding and give a small paragraph or summary. This can be an article, essay, or a YouTube video. 

The case study of the breakdown of Nike’s successful brand strategy  


I investigated the case study of Nike’s branding by Seth Godin, an author, teacher, and a marketing speaker. Godin reveals the real reason for Nike’s brand success and why it was a risk that had paid off. Godin begins by establishing that we as consumers are not Nike; it is not something we can individually identify with as all the shoes are made the same and do not show uniqueness to each person. 

  • Nike has a different approach compared to Puma or Adidas. 
  • The brand represents strength and a strong passion to the Consumer. 
  • Help with personal relationship with brand. 
  • The difference between a good logo and a good brand. 
  • Focus on the substance in your brand 

Task two  

Create a Medium article that involves a subject within branding. Create a question and write about 500 words around the subject. 






Why finding the right complementary colours helps appeal to your target audience 


Colour has a heavy influence on how we think as it can help us feel emotional or attached to the objects we see and feel around us. Colour has a psychological spectrum that is divided up and matched with what we associate this shade to be. Take red as an example, red is a colour that most would consider with the word’s passion and action, however, can also be considered dangerous as well. The way we can translate how we feel with colour is an apparent reason that shows it helps attract others based on the way they feel. Colour is the first thing we see before text, so with that, colour does help when appealing to an audience. Using complementary colours takes it another step further as you are taking what their psychological effects will have but also creating a visually pleasing and modern design. With this information, finding the colour that relates to your target audience would appeal to them before they see information along with it. 


Why would this benefit you as a brand? 

Attracting your key audience will help you have others become aware of your brand. Focusing on what your target audience looks out for creates comfort for that audience to begin with. With this comfort for your brand, it will grow trust and then loyalty. I think that it can leave a good first impression for your brand and will let you gain success through the trust of your targeted audience. I saw this when I would be introduced or surrounded by brands on my phone or laptop, I tended to go with brands that appealed to me with colour which would be colours that involved pastel colours. I thought it was a modern approach that was not traditional, but it represented a calmness and a relaxing tone. This made me feel comfortable and attracted me to this brand. Colours that are repeated through brands can help with trust. However, I feel that using colours that can appeal to someone’s emotion helps build trust and intrigue. People like choosing modern things. 


Why use Complementary colours 

Complementary colours are colours that are opposite from each other in the colour wheel, example of this could be purple and orange or yellow and purple. Exploring the different shades of colour and juxtaposing with the opposite shade has become a very modern way of marketing your brand. Colours that are different are becoming the new way to brand and can appeal to audiences that are looking for something new but still have the same emotional connection. 

Overall, the colour has played a big part in how I view brands as it is the emotional connection that I have that helps create comfort and helps identify who I can trust. Identifying trust is key for your target audience and choosing the right complementary colours will help consumers feel that trust and honesty right away. People look for the new modern which is the complementary element and people look for brands to depend on which can be felt through colour. 

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