IXD103 Week 7: Landing Pages

Landing Pages 

What is Webflow? 

Webflow has become an exceedingly popular platform for many designers to use as it is a program designed to create responsive websites in a less complicated way. This program allows anyone the ability to achieve a professional website as it is great for marketing and branding. Creating a website can be stressful for many as learning the tricks around HTML and CSS can be difficult and time consuming, however, Webflow allows you to work with HTML and CSS in a visual way without the complication of seeing the text form.  

Using Webflow allows you to edit your content a lot easier than what would be with normal coding. The program consists of collecting and dropping input into one space and from there you can see a visual process of your website transforming. Using Webflow, I was able to get a general overview with the introduction it has in place for first users. This website will be able to help me with my landing pages and present them in a professional way. 

What to consider when approaching your Landing pages? 

  • Element collages – You want to approach the website with a clean and simple layout as you do not want to create a chaotic and hard to read website. Taking collages into consideration will help you gather what information you want grouped together and allow you to use the space wisely within your website. It could also help you establish a hierarchy in your text. 
  • Content – This should be the information that you want to display about your brand and a clever idea would be to display what your values and purpose for your brand are. Have the name of the brand and what you offer as a brand within this information as well. Select the correct information to make your brand stand out and sound as positive as well. 
  • Hierarchy – You want to express the information that is most important to your consumers as it relates to how customers trust and view your brand. Highlighting the right information not only gains you a consumer, but it also gains you loyalty as well, improving your reputation as a brand. 


What is the purpose of my brand? 

My goal for my brand is to create a bank that is not overcomplicated as I feel that banks can be a scary thing when it comes to younger consumers. I want to build a safe area where younger people can feel secure when it comes to their money. I want to cater to their needs as well and help benefit their experience. Overall, I want to create a bank that allows young people the freedom of not worrying about money and shows that a bank really cares about their customer experience and with this, my brand will display a patience few banks may perceive to have. Patience leads to trust. 


What is Scamper? 

Scamper is a method used by many to help improve their thought process when it comes to their brand/ business. This method allows you to develop innovative ideas and can lead you to ideas that you may have never thought of. Scamper is an acronym for:  

  1. Substitute 
  1. Combine 
  1. Adapt 
  1. Modify 
  1. Put to another use 
  1. Eliminate 
  1. Reverse 



You want to show the best side of your brand, so changing key factors or smaller details can affect this. You want to look at everything overall and see if everything that is put into place is benefiting your brand. Look at what your consumers look for and see if changing could be in the best interest of the user.  


Look into ways that you can see might be more useful to combine either that be with information or things you want to offer consumers. Combining can be an effective way to achieve innovative ideas and outcomes and can lead to more attraction from consumers. 


Adapting to ideas around you can be a great idea to improve your brand. Looking into ways around you or better what you already have can lead you to an innovative brand. This factor can be important as many ideas are formed by using this process and can lead to improved outcomes. 


This factor is like substitute as it again involves making changes to benefit your brand. However, modify can be used after your brand is being used by the public. Looking into user feedback to see if things could be improved and see how people interact overall. After time you could realise changes, you never saw before and with consumer feedback, this will help better your brand. 

Put to another use 

Seeing how one aspect of your brand responds with consumers, you can try and implement this idea into something else and is overall an innovative way to achieve a better and more professional look to your brand. 


Removing can be beneficial to your brand’s appearance as you do not want to create an awkward space for your brand look to consumers. Eliminating some things can help you improve and create more ideas to approach your brand further. Do not be scared to eliminate as it could be doing your brand justice and help appeal to consumers. 


When issues appear, the answer to solve these could be In front of your screen. It is by using reverse or rearranging that can help you see where you went wrong. This technique can help you develop on top of ideas and allow you to brainstorm on the resources you have. 

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