Deliverable two IXD103: Personal branding

Starting my research off with looking at what’s a personal brand along with personal branding as the two have different definitions and can easily become mixed up. The phrase Personal brand is what others think and interact if your brand. It is what others make of your reputation. Personal branding is what you create and build your brand to be, you control what others see and think about you brand. After this I started to look at other personal brands that drew my attention. This was designers whose colours I liked, typefaces I liked and overall was something I could see for my own personal brand.

Starting off I looked into how I could do my logo as I knew that I wanted to created a monogram for my logo. Monograms makes sense for a personal brand as it helps future clients remember your name or even just your initials. The logo will be used the most, so as a new designer, making people remember you initials will make people remember your brand.
I then started to created sketches for my logos and see how I could fit my name into monograms that I thought were suitable to represent me as a brand.

After looking at all these design, I really like three specific logos which were the ones I put an arrow beside. Looking at these three, I looked at what I liked the most and which one suited me better. I started to explore these ideas within illustrator.

Using the idea of a Monogram, I used the letters HW as my starting point. I liked layer these letters on top of one another as I was trying to create a modern shape for my logo. Art Deco is a trendy piece for some so I used an Art Deco typeface that helped the long and stretched out look. I tried in Green, red and black to see which I liked the most as I was originally going to go with black however, I thought that I could explore if the other colours suited my brand. I wanted to use a green colour within my brand as it is a very popular colour at the moment and what to try a different approach for my brand. I ended up choosing the black logo as it was the one that stood out and suited that style much better.

I then looked at my at brand values and tone of voice as I wanted to create a persona for my brand. Looking into what other personal brands view the most important for their brand values.

My Personal Brand values:

  1.  Consistent – I want to ensure future clients that my work will be up to date will always strive to bring my skills to projects I approach.
  2.  Honesty – I want to show that I am willing to let you know the real designer behind the brand. I want to show vulnerability to gain the trust of my future clients
  3. Focused – Showing that I am able to take on only what I can and prioritising my clients, I want to show that I can say No to too many projects and keep my schedule balanced and a healthy environment.

For the colour and typeface, i decided to go with a Green, black and white theme will choosing Prestige Elite Std and Minion Variable Concept.

With all this information and design, this was my out come for my personal brand.

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