Week 6 IXD101: Human Centred Design, UI

Thus week’s topic I found very interesting as I find this line of work very interesting and it’s very cool to see how we are evolving with accessible design and we are breaking that separation with those who are vulnerable to the designs

For our Human centred Design activities, we had created IU Cards that involves using your own music tastes to design a card about a song or artist of our own choice.

To begin we had to create a card that displayed an image of the singer or song and underneath that we would incorporate the song title and artist name along with a description as well. We would included icons for Social media and other ways to listen as well.

For my artist I decided to go with Annie Lennox as she was my last listened to artist and I thought it would be interesting as well. I selected the song ‘Little Bird’ and look for the image of the album that song was from.

Overall the process was very easy and quite fun to think about as it was cool that we brought bits of ourselves in our designs and it made me quite comfortable to work with.

For my next activity we had to create a an extension onto out UI card to display a music streaming app and showcase the album and what song was playing and the other coming up next.

This was a more tad complicated but still very fun to do as my design looked like something I could see easily on my screen which excites me to think that I can design like that even though these aren’t heavily complicated processes.


Human centred Design- Inclusive Design by Rebecca Welsh

Rebecca Welsh gives a clear deep dive into the importance and need for inclusive design in the modern world. Welsh’s article allows teaches you through out the article on ways we can incorporate human centred Design within our work. Who can inclusive design, as it is in the name, is made for everyone including the designer itself as we also learn through this process as well with new tools and techniques that can be adapted. However, Welsh’s article explains that though this seems so beneficial, it isn’t really used into modern day design as Welsh describes that we are lying in a time of , “poor Digital literacy.” This is a shock to hear however, with past generations, their use of technology can still be complicated and with poverty levels being consistent around the globe and other known factors such as mental or physical illness, exclusion will become permanent for these vulnerable groups.

Exclusion happens when we solve problems using our own biases. Seek out exclusion as opportunities to create new ideas and inclusive designs.” Microsoft

With this in mind, Welsh looks unto the three concepts that help this design: Inclusive, Universal and accessibility. These concepts will help those who are beginning to create Human centred designs.

What is inclusive Design

It is the creation of new design that appeals to every audience and strides to “remove barriers,” from certain vulnerable groups in our society with modern design. This should be a massive focus for many designs as you stopping the cycle of separation and allowing many creative and innovative ideas that can be successfully and help people feel equally involved as well.


What is Universal Design

This is design that is created for the average user in the design. It tries to be as accessible and technically easier for the user, it isn’t overly complicated. This design helps create a sense of ease for a vulnerable user as it takes away the difficulties that come with designs but still allows the user to feel included in modern design.

What is Accessible design

Accessible can be very similar to Universal design however to distinguish the two, Accessible design involves more Definition or personal features to those it is made for. About “15% of the worlds population has a disability,” this would be about 1.16 billion. With figures this high there needs to be design targeted at the audiences needs as the more ignored it becomes the more exclusions becomes normal.

The new Normal

Welsh’s ending within article states that if we want inclusion to play a big part in modern design, it should design organisations acknowledgment of these issues that will help us incorporate these designs. If we want inclusion we need designers who have the passion and the excitement to create these ideals but when beginning, Welsh’s final comments are to, “start with the Basics and keep going until it’s embedded in your entire design process.”


Inclusive Design – The new normal



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