Week 5 IXD101: Typography part II

In week 3, we learnt all about typography the anatomy that came with when you youse typography in your work. For this week, we become more focused our tasks we had for this week and it was quite interesting with what we did with the content that we were given.

For our first activity we were given a two passages and out of the two I decided to go with Mary Shelley  Frankenstein as it was a personal choice of mine and a book I know very well. With this passage we were told to select a typeface for at passages that you find suitable enough for that passage. With Frankenstein being very gothic, a Victorian or transitional style came into my head as it complemented the book



While using this passages, we had to them out this into a iPhone format including an image or design that helps reflect what the passage is about. With Frankenstein I chose the image that is actually involved and mentioned in the book which is a big foreshadow moment within the book.

I wanted to add a grey and dull appear to my screen as I want to reflect that eerie tone that was in the book however I did struggle and didn’t think it really appeared as much as I wanted it too.

For the next activity we were given the a section of  of an article about John Baskerville and for our this task we had to take this section and add hierarchy, Font size, typeface and adding weight within the text. This was fun to do as I found it a great way to experiment with the content that I was given.


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