AAD011 – Innovation

I define innovation as the progression of an idea being realized. In art, innovation came from trying new tools and techniques for creating works. The same can be said for the formative years of the animation industry. An technique that was considered innovative was “Rotoscoping”. Portraying movement in animation is mostly done through references of…Continue Reading AAD011 – Innovation

AAD012 – Graphic Design/Illustration (Zine)

The theme of my zine will be horror films from the 80s to present day. I will show off big moments in horror cinema, landmark films and genres and trends that birthed from each era. I will incorporate both illustration and graphic design. Here are a few ideas for what it will contain and a…Continue Reading AAD012 – Graphic Design/Illustration (Zine)

AAD012 – Animation planning

  I started off with a storyboard rendered with a black marker. The idea for the ident stemmed from my imagination. It involves someone getting a creative spark for creating art. The style I was most influenced by was MTV’s old indents. I did a small test animation to start to see how it would…Continue Reading AAD012 – Animation planning