AAD011 – What I learnt from Task 1

Over the past 6 weeks, I wrote about various themes for AAD011 and how they relate to art.

The main thing I’ve learnt from this task was how to improve my analytical skills. I looked over these various themes, interoperated them in through my own personal lenses and wrote out what I thought about each subject while improving my lexicon. I also believe the work that I chose to use as examples for each theme solidified my thoughts as they showed off my knowledge and understanding of each theme.

Another thing about this task that I feel that I’ve improved upon is my use of referencing various sources for my writings. While I didn’t really quote anyone for this tasks, I would add links for the sources for the info I found, but also the sources for the images I collected.

Lastly, I believe I improved the way I formatted my writing of my themes, as they all have a consistent style of writing. They start off with a description of what I am talking about and then I would show off images as an example of what I am talking about.

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