Week 02 – Modelling

Week 2 Challenge – Table

For this weeks challenge we had to model a table, using reference images taken at a more awkward position than the vase. I started this out the same way I did the vase, using a cylinder for the table leg. I bevelled the bottom/top vertices to avoid n-gons, then scaled it to the rough dimensions then I followed the contours, using the multi-cut tool to match them.





I then went back to the reference image in photoshop, to better get a grasp of the proportions, and notice the significant shapes in each leg. Using this new reference I made, I went back to my table leg, and added more divisions to get the shapes more accurate, and made some other adjustments, mostly changing where the shapes I outlined were, relative to each other.



At this point I was debating calling the leg finished, just a simplified version of the reference image, or going back and adding more detail. I decided to add the details, as my vase project was quite simple, so it would be good to get experience with something more complex. I wasn’t sure the best way to approach this part, so I just went back in with my multi-cut tool, adding more divisions for these details. I then added a cube into the scene, and scaled it up to a rectangle, to match the upper part of the leg.



I duplicated my finished legs and, using the distance tool, I placed them at a distance from each other I estimated using my own kitchen table relative to its table legs. I added another cube to the scene and put it in the centre of the legs, then scaled it to match the counter top in the reference. At this point Cathair sent a new reference image he found, which was helpful to compare my table to, and further clean it up to match this.

At this point all that was left to do was to add the underneath wood, connecting each leg. I went into top view and made cuts where I think this would come from and then I used the extrude tool on these faces.

I think my finished product pretty closely resembled the references and I’m happy with how it came out. Next time I would probably try and use less subdivisions, as the legs ended up pretty complicated.


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