Product Design: Light Structure

Before creating my final idea, I wanted to see how the paper would look and work with the lamp I’m using as the light source. Again, I used the techniques I had learned in the previous experimentations. Surprisingly, even though the paper is white, once I turned on the light it seemed to turn a shade of purple which I liked.


While carrying out this experimentation, I discovered that it was quite difficult to cover the whole lamp while keeping it tidy and not overwhelming. So, I decided to create a structure that I could place over the lamp. Using cardboard, to create a sturdy base, I made a cuboid shape which slotted over the light. Then by cutting and folding I added coloured card around the edges with gaps in between each, which alternated on each side. I hoped this would create geometric shadows.

However, whenever I placed it over the light, the shadows weren’t as defined as I had hoped. As a result, I decided to add tissue paper to try and change the colour of the shadows. I found that this was a very successful technique and I feel improved the overall outcome. I felt that by keeping the design simple and geometric it would match in well with my chosen light source.