Animation: Warm Up Exercises

Before I started my character design this workshop, I completed quick tasks during the first online class which looked at the basics of creating animations. I struggled with this at first as it was completely new to me but the more studies I completed, the more confident I became. I started with using shapes like circles and squares and used contour lines to create the basic forms of animation. The more of these I did, I found the better they turned out.


After this, I looked at creating more 3D shapes but still keeping to the same basic shapes for a starting point. I found the one I struggled with the most was the cylinder when trying to work out the direction and angles of all the lines. However, coming out of completing this task I feel a lot more confident moving forward.

Using the skills and techniques I had obtained from the previous tasks; I completed the flour sack task which I actually found quite enjoyable. My first few sketches aren’t the best as it took me a while to work out how the two shapes would connect and what happened if I changed the shape. The more sketches I completed I became more confident and added some more details to make them seem more like animation.

After completing these exercises, I decided to try some of them out on photoshop to see how they would turn out if I was to draw them digitally as in the later tasks I will be creating some 2D animation. I am pleased with the outcome and I feel that this technique was more successful than working with pens.