TADF: Mixed Media Pieces

For this part of the workshop, we were tasked with creating a number of mixed media pieces based off our photography. I choose this combination of the original photos with some of the manipulated images as I felt it allowed me to experiment with more expressive techniques and materials.


For this piece, I used oil pastels to recreate the pink, white, blue and black areas of clothing, then added yellow kitchen sponges for the yellow towel and added folded linen for orange part. Once all the materials were glued down, I added tones and shadows with acrylic paint. I feel that I successfully manipulated the very different media together and created an interesting composition. I think the most effective area is the oil pastels as I was able to show the twists and movement.

Using similar materials, I recreated the braided photo using blue and pink sponges and pieces of plastic. Again, to add some dimension I added areas of shadow using acrylic paint. I particularly like how bold the colours ended up and I feel the way I manipulated the plastic along with the paint, makes it look similar to how the top does. To improve, I would have like to keep the edges straight so they would align better.


To keep with the graphic style of this image, I kept the straight edges and lines using coloured paper, embroidery thread and hot glue. To try and recreate the layering of the folding clothing, I created triangles using hot glue onto greaseproof paper and once cooled I placed the coloured card so that it was visible through. Then, with the thread, I wrapped it around each one for the lines. I’m pleased with the outcome of this piece but to improve, I would have liked to have made the triangles bigger.

I kept this piece simple as I felt the best way to recreate the image was by using large areas of acrylic paint, loosely brushed together. However, once I placed all the paint on the page, I felt before brushing the composition was effective.

After creating this manipulating image, the idea of using cut out paper was the first thing I thought of when thinking about recreating it. To make it more mixed media, I added quick marks of paint and created another hot glue piece to represent the middle. To make the edges more defined, I used markers to add some triangles. I don’t think this is my most successful composition, as I feel it is quite messy, however I feel it is still effective.

For my final piece, I used black duck tape for the background due to its texture as I feel it resembles the slight marks on the original photo. To keep the straight lines and contrast in colour I used embroidery thread to create the linear effect. I feel this is successful due to its simplicity and it doesn’t over power the viewer. I decided not to include the details on the line as I felt the thread and tape were successful on their own.