Graphic Design & Illustration: GRAPHIC LANGAUGE Mood Boards

Before I started my initial sketches for the 26 words, I wanted to carry out some research into graphic designs using geometric shapes and also the colour scheme I was planning on using. I started by creating a mood board for a monochrome colour palette and notice how the simplicity of the combination of the lack of colour and shapes was very effective. I was particularly interested in the use of negative space and thought it would work well with some of the words.

After this, I researched graphic designs that worked with my desired colour palette, black/white/orange. I felt this combination would be effective as the small pop of colour would add to my designs. I also came across successful designs that used red instead of orange which I felt was another option for my colour palette. In the end, I felt by keeping the colours simple it wouldn’t overwhelm the viewer and I could create more complex designs.