Animation: 2D Work Using Krita

After exploring digital drawings and stop motion, our next task was to use the computer software, Krita, to create some simple 2D animation. It took me a while to get my head around how to use it, so for my first attempt, I just tried moving the circle along the line smoothly.

First Attempt

After this, I tried to create an animated bouncing ball. I feel I was successful in doing this through a system of trial and error to see what worked best. By using the onion skin tool, I was able to see the two steps before and two steps after the one I was working on. This was very useful to make sure there was no sudden jerks, and it ran smoothly. I over exaggerated the circle by stretching and squishing it when it hits the line and going through the air.

Bouncing Ball

As part of our research, we had to read about the 12 principles of animation, so I decided to recreate the simple animations that show some of the principles, Anticipation, Exaggeration & Follow Through. I created these quite quickly and wasn’t focusing on the detail but more the movement of the cubes. I am pleased with my first attempts at 2D animations using Krita.



Follow Through