Alt Means: Using Mark Making Tools

I really enjoyed this part of the task as some tools worked out much better than I expected and could create a range of different marks depending on how I used them. I created the marks by applying ink to the tools or dipping them into the ink. Some of the materials, especially the plastic ones like the surgical gloves and milk bottle lid didn’t transfer the ink as well as I had hoped as it didn’t stay on the plastic. I found that even if the materials were completely different they could create a really similar mark. This task really opened my eyes to that any object or material can leave a mark.

Old Laces, Washing Sponge, Disposable Gloves

Wire & Bottle Lid, Cotton Buds & Empty Tablet Sheet, Tin Foil

Cardboard, Old Bags, Plastic Zippy Bag

Sponge, Milk Bottle, Wire

Once I had used all the tools, I moved to explore how I was going to present the pages. I decided that keeping them all side by side was the best option so I choose the most effective area of the mark making then created panels which I then presented beside each other.