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I took the same approach to starting my brand guidelines as I did for my commercial brand. Even though it is a brand about me, I still wanted to create a user persona so I could pin point the areas I wanted to focus on for my brand. This did help me when it came to brainstorming possible brand values. I came up with a number of possibilities, but was still unsure of what ones would best suit my brand. So I decided to write out what I wanted my brand to show. By doing this, I was able to work in the main values that would show my skill set and helped me narrow down to my final four values.
– positive – reliable – creative – diligent –
Once I was set on my values, I moved onto what tone of voice I wanted and came up with a brand story. I took my values into account and set a tone of voice that would coincide well with them. For my brand story, I wanted to use language that also shows my skills with wording and phrasing as well as within the actual content, which would tell the story of all the other skills I have to offer. I feel like I have made a strong foundation for beginning to build my own brand and follow the similar steps I did for my commercial brand.