Week 7- Guest Lecture

Week 7- Guest Lecture

Today we had a talk from a guest lecture, this was from Ronan Mckinless, he talked about things such as what its like to work in small company vs a larger one and what it is like working in the creative sector.

He said that there is a tense relationship between clients and the creative agency, it is a good idea to build up trust with these clients as you make relationships with them. Large companies don’t have to worry as much as smaller companies as big companies will probably have someone who specifically builds this relationship up between the company and the client whereas smaller companies will have to do it themselves.

Big companies VS Small companies

Small companies

Small companies is good if you know what you want to do, if there is a specific sector and role you want you can easily apply for it and show your enthusiasm for the role.

There is a lot of tightnit relationships in smaller companies and more than likely everyone will get on and have personal stories with each other. This can be daunting when first joining a smaller company as you may feel left out and not involved but most companies will welcome you in with open arms are they are the one hiring you.

With smaller companies there is also more of a chance to be able to try new things, and work on a sector that you have never tried before.

A lot of smaller companies have no ambitions to be a big company, they are happy enough being a smaller company. Most small companies tend to be more local and work on local projects.

Big companies

With big companies you will more than likely only be one part of the whole project, this is because there will be specific people doing specific roles in the design process. After your part is done in the project it will be handed straight over to someone else to do their part of the work.

The turnover will be quicker in larger companies as the projects will be completed a lot quicker due to having a lot of employees carrying out their part of the project.

Large companies will always be on the lookout for more employees therefore more chance to be hired by a bigger company rather than a smaller one. Smaller companies tend to keep on the same few employees as they know them well and the work that they can produce.

With bigger companies however there is a lot of pressure on you to get things done quickly and of the best standard as their turnover is quick they want you to complete your part so you can complete your part in the next project.

When working in a big company it is more than likely that you will get alot of support and help if you need it. You will have one person that you can go to who is in charge of that sector and they are always willing to help you out if you’re stuck especially if you are an intern.

Start up companies

Start up companies are most suitable to mature designers as they will tend to have a good range of experience..

This type of company is very very intense as there is so much to do as at the beginning there probably won’t be that many employees in the company and you will be carrying out work for more than one role of the project.

For a start up company it is very vital to be close to customers and clients and build up a relationship with them. If you do a good job first time around the same clients will probably hire you again to do more work for them.

To do well in the creative sector you must be motivated and want to learn because if not you will not succeed and no company will want to hire you.


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