Week 7- Portfolio Critique & New Project

Week 7- Portfolio Critique & New Project

Today we had critique on our personal portfolios. In class Kyle showed each of our portfolios on the projector, everyone in the class could see our work as well as looking at the website themselves on their own laptop. This was good to see everyone elses websites and see what they were capable of and their design skills. At first I got a bit overwhelmed as everyone else’s work was really good and I then thought mine looked awful even though before this I was kinda happy with what I had done. However after my feedback from Kyle I felt a lot better about my work as there was only a few little changes I was suggested to make. As well as Kyle giving feedback on Miro we had to upload a link to our websites and everyone else in the class could comment on your work, saying what they felt looked good as well as what needs changed. Below is an image of the feedback I got from other students in the class.

Today we were also introduced to the new project we will be working on, this next project is all about the periodic table. We will have to design and create a digital product to explain elements from the periodic table.

We can either choose to design for children who are 10 and below or to design for undergraduates ages 18,19 20 etc.

We can design for any device, such as Ipad, smartphone, smartwatch, tv or VR.

The objective is to:

  • Make the product interactive
  • Create a brand
  • Design a homepage
  • Explain at least 5 elements
  • Create a style guide/ style tile

We were set three tasks to do for next week, these are:

  1. Organise raw text in a file
  2. Paper prototype, understand how the product will look/navigate and perform
  3. Read about or visit the elements project at the Ulster Museum in Belfast

Link to the Elements Project research, and process:Project 2- Elements Project



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