Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Research – Beyond a Degree

Upon finishing a degree someone may want to further their education by studying for a Masters’s or Ph.D. Usually, this is in a similar field to what they qualified their degree in, and there are usually entry requirements. Reasons for studying for a Masters Masters are usually 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time ProsContinue reading Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Research – Beyond a Degree

Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Design Decks)

For my design deck, I am going to focus it on myself in terms of job application, rather than basing it solely on the major project. I have seen a lot of jobs available remotely, so feel like having a design deck that explains me as a person and what I can contribute would beContinue reading Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Design Decks)

Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (CV)

Notes from slides on how to make a CV Outline the essential criteria Create a blank CV and tailor it to the jobs Language – be assertive active and precise Visual priority always goes to legibility Hierarchy – what do you want your employer to read first? should be experience, then skill, then education thenContinue reading Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (CV)

Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Poster Design and Feedback)

My Poster Designs Notes from lecture; A poster is a sales tool to sell your film It must communicate a large amount of information in one frame (instant impact)  Hierarchy is very important, where do audiences’ eyes go first? Use a grid to begin If the project is 3D, use 3D elements Typeface legibility isContinue reading Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Poster Design and Feedback)

Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Poster Research)

Research Since starting university I have leaned towards 3D creation over 2D, sketching, or character animation. So for my final project, I have decided to create some game-ready 3D environments, to improve my 3D skill and allow me to research and push my portfolio more towards the game industry. As I am a big fanContinue reading Final Year – Creative Futures – Industry Facing Materials (Poster Research)