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Business Cards
- Stronger branding needed
- If focusing on 3D it could be better to have a rendered image
I’m possibly overdesigning the Business Cards and posters too much with 2D images when I want to be a 3D generalist. The wanted poster was my strongest design but I had trouble merging the different environment styles together.
I spoke with Aodhan after the first submission and he suggested my font should be more of a calligraphy style that would have been seen in the wild west Era. This makes sense as the fonts I was using represented the wild west but from a modern-day perspective.
I decided to go for the Great Vibes font as I felt like it was the clearest handwritting style the would come across all of my branding well.
I discussed with Henry that I was having difficulties merging the two seperate environments together, as they contrast so much that it was difficult finding a smooth way to represent both on the poster and business card. Shown above, I was trying to spilt the image in half to show both environments but this looks too static. Henry suggested that I take some of my assets and combine them to represent both environements instead of trying to use the images of the buildings. I said I liked my neon guns the best and that the neonness really represented my second environment, and he then suggested as they were already placed on a wall to place something like a deer mounted on the wall to represent the old environment. I knew there was a skull on quixel but it was a ram skull that didn’t suit what I was going for. Henry then gave me a skull that he had made before and It worked really well for the poster I was trying to represent and I came up with the below.
I think this poster represents btoh environments well and the neon pink of the guns looks like the whole poster has been tinted. I then used the same font and theme below for my business card to keep the branding similar.