Feedback from the first submission
- Design is not consistent, have a clearer layout for text and picture position
- Font is a good choice for the theme but the color needs work, its current color doesn’t contrast against the background image
- Put about me with contact details
- Put in a bit at the start about the project development could help picture the outcome better
The design deck was the bit I struggled with the most for this assignment, I tried to use a photo as a background to highlight the theme but instead just provided a bad contrast. I also need to plan the content better and revisit previous students’ design decks. It might work better for me to attempt this in a PowerPoint or art book.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Press Kit
IGDB is a website that holds information and statics about games and is useful for viewing things like critic reviews, and release dates and sometimes contains press kits on popular games. The RDR2 press kit, it contains a short description of the game that sets the premise and the setting but does not spoil the content. It’s a balance between describing things so the audience can paint a picture but not to the point where they know enough to not be curious and play the game. This press kit also contains videos of both trailers and gameplay and a large number of screenshots of the content. The screenshots have been taken in such a way that it shows mostly the center character and scenery, Rockstar’s main talking points of the game. Shots are mixed between stills and in-action. Contact and ways to find further information are clearly shown at the end of the press kit.
- I feel like the artbook is stronger than the design deck as I got a bit lost on what to include on the design deck as I felt like my project was just a repeat of similar things rather than having loads of different features
- Feel like the design is more clear and consistant and using the Great Vibes font keeps it consistant with my branding
- Images are large and clear, better to use the white background than to try a colour or image and take away the attention from the images