After researching environment designs from artists and speaking to the lectures, it was suggested the best way to start my project was by doing a blockout, a very rough 3d sketch using basic assets of my concept. The purpose of this was to play my space and shots of the environment.
First Basic Concept
This concept was based off this concept image
I didn’t like this blockout as I felt like recreating this street, the saloon was going to get losts in between the other buildings and I wanted it to be a standalone main focus. The scaling is also badly wrong but it was a very quite concept
Second attempt
This concept was closer to what I had envisioned. the building is scaled better and the scene is more filled. It also has better opportunites for cinematography.
Third Blockout
After more feedback that my ground was too flat and there needed to be more details, I made these further and final blockouts. The first one shows how I’m planning to set up buildings and balconies, how I plan to move the buildings and ground to make things less linear. The first image is the plan for the older wild west scene, while the second one shows how I plan to contrast the environments and show its in a city, by adding more buildings and reducing the free space around the buildings.