Maya Assets

Once we decided on the scenes (Museum, Bar, Piano and Stage), we set to assets creation in Maya which will get imported to unreal. I will be creating the museum scene, but as there are fewer assets in the scene, mainly mannequins and stands, I’m creating smaller filler assets to be duplicated and used in other scenes.

Wine/Gin Glass and Shot Glass



Whiskey Glass

Originally I had found glass textures on substance share, as the substance painter didn’t seem to have anything I wanted, as it was mainly overly reflective surfaces rather than transparent. However, these textures were possibly not uploaded to substance share properly or broken downloads, as they would appear deformed or black when imported to Unreal Engine. In the end we applied the glass material texture already in Unreal.












These were the base models used for the bottles, and to create different styles (red wine, white wine, squarer gin bottles), I just selected different faces and textured them differently, as well as extruded the bottle or changing the size.

Top Hat

To be included in either the glass boxes of the museum or placed on top of mannequins for a filler.






Museum Blockout






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