Walk Cycle I knew a fair amount about creating a walk cycle before starting this assessment from a Berkeley online course I was attending from the start of this semester, so I was able to use that knowledge when posing my walk cycle for this assessment. Halfway through the semester, we had lectures from 2D […]
Author: long-a8
Assessment Development and Reflection
Showreel For my showreel, I looked at tips on how to create a showreel. I also looked at other artists’ showreels on YouTube. I looked at the information on the title cards, the type of music used for audio and the way their animation clips were edited together. Most title cards were very simple. They […]
Assessment 1 Reflection Post
Overall, I am very proud of the work I have achieved this semester. I was able to use the 3D knowledge from last year and improve my skills in newer ways. I learned how to use MASH in Maya to create chain links and how to use cameras to film my shots in a level […]
Assessment 1 Portfolio
Assets, Textures and Final Film: https://ulster-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/long-a8_ulster_ac_uk/EuMSmdaKEsFFllHUj1capzkB5dN3rDxPfuRZhye72VDVJg?e=q6Pd9h YouTube link to final film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztDzwjHyZvI Final Assets in my scene
Assessment 1 Development Post
Ideas For this group project, we were tasked with creating a Cinematic Short Film. Out of the 10 themes we were given, the Ancient Temple had the most votes within my group. We came up with our own original idea of a Church/Cathedral that was built in our present but was destroyed in the future […]
Reflection Post – How I found my first year at university
Semester 2 Animated Narratives I was very scared to start this module as, before this year, I had never done any 3D work. I found watching previous year’s animation jarring as I didn’t think I could create something that complex. To my surprise, I found it more enjoyable than 2D animation. There was much more […]
Assessment 2 – Final Animation
We finally finished our animation after many things going wrong over the past week. There were many problems with the lighting not working and camera angles going wrong in file transfers, so we each had to add our original camera angles manually into the Masterfile. Sadly, my blendshape keyframes for scenes 2 and 5 didn’t […]
Reflection Post
Considering at the start of this semester I had never attempted 3D modelling before; I am extremely happy with my progress over the past few months. I feel as though with this assessment my modelling skills have improved even more as I learned many more skills including sculpting in blender and retopology. I enjoyed every […]
Assessment 2
I feel very proud of my final outcome. It took longer than I thought it would, but the models I created are how I imagined them and I’m happy what I was able to use the skills that I have learned over the past couple of months to complete my design. I used skills from the […]
Easter Work
Over easter I finished my cute character model. I started by sculpting the right hand of the gnome. I knew this would be the more difficult hand, so I wanted to give myself enough time to sculpt it. In my original design, I gave the gnome 4 fingers. However, when it came to sculpting him, […]