Week 9 – Animation Studio – Animatics



Self Reflection


Week 9’s week is all about the basics of animatics and the how-tos of Adobe Animate Software.

Animatics is a ‘preliminary version of a film, produced by shooting successive sections of a storyboard’ Ref: https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/

‘Animatic production is an important part of the filmmaking process. They are used when planning animated productions or complex live-action sequences, to help pre-visualise a project. Animatics can help filmmakers see if planned edits work and help with the flow of storytelling.’

Ref: https://www.adobe.com/uk/animatics.

In class, however, we created animatics by placing and moving images whilst using Adobe’s Animate software as a key found resource. We also have other animatic resources such as Krita, Storyboarder, Shortcut, Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop.

For making these short animations, we used After Effects and scenes set up for Exercise 1. Exercise 2, however, was about creating cuts and adding keyframes whilst adjusting the image’s pre-composition, scale and opacity. 

These are the samples that I’ve created.


No. 1

No. 2

For our assignment, however, we have to make our animatics for our short animation films using our storyboards for guidance. I thought this was hard for me to do as I had a lot on my plate for the 3D Digital Literacy subject but I could pull through and create the animatic for my story, Dream Robot Cyberpunk. If I had the choice to do this assignment again I would recreate my animation and make it more clear and well displayed as I thought this animation seemed rushed.


These are the samples.

Animatic (Before)

Animatic (After)

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