Character Design Template


Character Design Template




Name:  Mushroom Baby


Alias: Baby Mushroom


Age: 3 years Old


Height: 40.5 inches


Weight: 38 ½ Pounds 


Sex: Male


Race: Mushroomlie


Eye Color: Same colour as his skin (Blue)


Hair Color: His Head (Blue)


Skin Color: Pale Sand


Shape of Face: Round, Chubby, Baby Face


Distinguishing Features: Big mushroom head with baby mushrooms all over his body


Clothes: How does he/she dress? He simply wears nothing but the features of his torso relate to a hat and Medieval-inspired shorts/dress.


Mannerisms: Childish, Playful, Jumpy, and Vocal mannerisms of a 3-year-old


Habits: Fidgeting and Day Dreaming/ Distractions


Health: Good/ Healthy


Hobbies: he loves to form/ make bubbles through his mouth


Sound of Voice: A common 3-year-old voice


Walking Style: Jumpy and Stiff


Character’s Greatest Flaw: His appearance


Character’s Best Quality: His eyes




Hometown: Mushroom Dream Land 


Talents/Skills: Making bubbles with his mouth  





Intelligence Level: Low Leveled Intelligence


How does the character see himself/herself? A small baby mushroom


How confident is the character? Highly confident Individual


Does the character seem ruled by emotion? Yes, he also uses his emotions to seek what loves which is happiness





Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert


How does the character deal with:


  • Sadness? Tend to cry it all out, he would rather show than keep it in


  • Anger? Can’t show it as he never really has anything to be angry about but if he did he lashes out as he likes to express his emotions. He would use objects to express it whether flowing it or beating it


  • Conflict? He could never seek conflict as he would never be in one if so her would laugh it off and hop away


  • Change? He would change how a person feels, especially if he/she is upset as he would like to keep them happy. Mushroom Baby’s personality would never change. 


What motivates the character? His future motivates him as well as the people he is surrounded by, especially positive people as it best motivates his persona 


What frightens the character? Big scary Robot Cyborgs


What makes this character happy? When others are happy


Relationship skills: Talking, hugging and playing with those he loves




What is the character’s archetype?


How is the character affected by his or her environment? He is affected by the Cyborg Robot who tries to hurt the baby mushroom in badness to destroy the character’s mental (His Happiness)




Time: 2000s Time Period


Describe five important background events that led up to the character’s storyline.


The main character fights with the villain (Cyborg Robot) Saving Baby Mushroom


Mushroom Baby hugs the main character for how he saved him from the cyborg monster


Mushroom Baby saves Heart Bot  by accidentally dropping the big mushroom tree onto the cyborg’s arm


Mushroom runs away, fearing for his life as the Cyborg grabs the Mushroom Baby, putting him upside down in the air as Mushroom Baby cries for help.


Mushroom Baby laughs at Cyborg as his hand gets stuck under the mushroom tree.

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