Week 3 – Animation Studio – Tone and Value


Self Reflection

This week, I focused on tone and value. I practise my shading and tonal configurations by emphasising an entity. Learning the way light contrasts with objects or with other materials. This portion of content upholds an emotional bond with art. The way is very much involved with most art, painting, sketching and structures. For me, I first started outlining the area I saw and demonstrated it on a blank A4 page. The downside of sketching with a pencil depending on what you are sketching is that it often deteriorates its volume of colour. Making the outlining more faded. On the other hand, I love doing art as it’s fun and challenging. 

Throughout the lecture, I have learned about the value and various types of atmospheric perspectives for example cross-hatching and two-toned perspective. 

Importance is the way light and composition reflect on a surface, being or object by the use of curves and layout.  Simplifying value is a great way to recognise the medium, dark and light scale of a surface. On the other hand, the change in tone is simply by the way light, texture, and form of placement are represented. Whether it’s light or dark, it tells the eye the construction of the shape and layout. It creates realism and depth in an image through the use of shade.

Relative Tone however is the use of another surface/ object and how it affects other surfaces whether it creates textures, shapes or shadows.

Atmospheric perspective has many types of elements such as the composition of a surface whether it blends or saturates with the environment it’s in. associating with the Value Change Concept due to its similarity. This helps to define the range, depth and scale of an image. Some atmosphere perspectives like to give a sense of clarity to the foregrounds, leaving the background slightly diluted and faded. Light however has a big impact on images as it signifies a surface by the use of shadows and texture. The band of value colours ranges from 0 to 10, 0 being the darkest and 10 being the lightest.


These are the 3 of the tonal thumbnails that I have drawn using Procreate. My opinions are mild about this piece but I would always incline toward a further improved tone and form by the use of practice. I furthermore incorporated the practice tonal sketches I accomplished in class.

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