Week 1 – Animation Studio – Form & Shape


Self Reflection

This week’s module is about the Form and Shape of Animation along with the 100 Initial Worlds Task with my assigned group, group 3. It’s the beginning of the first lecture and we are introduced to Form and Shape. Form and Shape are about the form of what you create by the use of shapes such as circles, squares and triangles. Form and Shape are what ‘define objects in space’ Ref: Shape & Form – CORE Principles – Art and Design These elements help to create a structure for you.

The fundamentals of Form and Shape are majorly important as they guide you to create artwork through the use of traditional forms of art such as painting, sculpting and drawing. Throughout the modules, we had to first draw scribbles, lines and circles to exercise our motor joints and encourage wrist movements. I thought this exercise was good as it helped my hand get used to the frantic movements that I was constantly doing on my A4 page, causing me to intellectually maintain an active mindset.

After the short exercise, we were presented with a task to form shapes like circles,  cubes and triangles and make something out of these designs whether it would be a human, animal or object. Anything you think out of your perspective. After this, we had to make a sequence of shapes by drawing them into short pictorial movements.

I used an ordinary pencil and used lines and shapes such as circles and cubes to form an object. For this, I made frontal and side human profile shapes, and curved lines to show the structure of an object. I also drew random shapes for practice cases and random artefacts as well.

After the task, we were assigned to do an assignment for the form and shape task for homework. The Homework was to pick 3 animated characters and find the shape and form of these characters. 

At the end of the assignments, we were instructed to be assigned with your chosen group and take photos of different things that relate to the list you have been given. The list contained information on what things you find funny, cool, unidentifiable, something that starts with a ‘U’, a pet and an animation. This was the basics for us classmates to develop teamwork as well as building connections.

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