Week 1 – Animation Studio – 2D Animation – Googly Eye Sequence


Self Reflection

My first ever Animation task in 1st year was to take pictures with the group you were assigned to and put paper eyes on objects. Take pictures and make them come ‘alive’, basically turning the object into a real-life being and making a sequence of your choice. This inspiration was by artist and illustrator David Olenick. ‘David Olenick’s designs pair pun-filled sayings with charming animals and objects, each with his signature googly eyes. His cleverness, sense of humour and unique perspective shine through by making seemingly simple illustrations universally relatable.’ Ref: What’s Behind the Mind (and Googly Eyes) of Illustrator David Olenick – Society6 Blog

I thought it was a fun experience as I was able to animate pictures of my choice and through David Olenick’s signature style made the sequences compelling.

The only thing I would change is the art style as I thought the style I went for didn’t turn out as I wanted it to but apart from the art style, the 5-second animation was satisfactory.

For the Animations, I took pictures of various things that looked outstanding but what stood out for me the most was the table I saw in the Animation Studio, a sofa outside the hall and a bright yellow chair. 

The reason why I picked these 3 objects is because of how easy they were to animate though I could see the table and chair having a mouth and tongue. For the Sofa however, I thought of giving the eyes anictitating membrane’ Ref: Nictitating membrane which is a third eyelid which protects the eyes of some animals including alligators, as I thought the Sofa very much looked like an alligator. If I was able to repeat this module I would improve the time scale by making my animations longer and adding more depth to them.

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Googly Eye Animation

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