Workshop programme

Note: times in GMT +0 (UK time)

Session Time Talks Speaker
session 1
Muskaan Singh
9:15 Opening remarks Muskaan Singh
9:25 Invited talk 1:
Embracing Generative AI
Sue Attewell
Head of AI and co-design at Jisc
10:15 Exploring Storytelling in Information Technology with Large Language Models Carl James-Reynolds
Middlesex University
Break 10:45
session 2
Juliana Gerard
11:00 Using AI to produce problem-based learning cases Enjy Abouzeid and Patricia Harris
Ulster University
11:30 The double-edged sword of anthropomorphism in LLMs Madeline Reinecke
University of Oxford
12:00 Revolutionising Digital Marketing Education with Generative AI Integration: An Asynchronous Approach John Bustard, Mihaela Ghisoiu, Peter Bolan and Mary Boyd
Ulster University
Lunch 12:30
session 3
Usman Hadi
13:30 AI as Interview Subject – Teaching Critical Thinking in Sport Sociology Conor Heffernan
Ulster University
14:00 Smart Assessment and Guided Education with Responsible AI Alexander Mikroyannidis
The Open University
14:30 Cómo entrenar tu dragón: An ECTS module to develop critical AI literacy in a PGCERT programme for new HE lecturers Mari Cruz Garcia Vallejo
Digital education consultant
Break 15:00
session 4
Antoine Rivoire
15:15 Can AI chatbots replace human partners in peer instruction? Yiliang (Oscar) Jiang, Tal Waltzer and Michelle Rivers
University of California, San Diego
15:45 Invited talk 2:
An institutional response to AI in Education at Ulster University
Andy Jaffrey
Head of the Office for Digital Learning at Ulster University
16:35 Padlet discussion
Workshop end 17:00