Assignment 1: Helmet Y1 S2: 3D Digital Literacy

3D Digital Literacy Weeks 3-5 | Overview

Week 3 introduced UV mapping through dice. We unfolded simple cubes and similar polygons and took the UV as a .png into Photoshop. This was highly useful in understanding how textures work. A key takeaway was the idea that anything in 3D space (real life or virtual) can be unfolded into a large 2D origami […]

Assignment 2: Film Y1 S2: Animated Narratives

Animated Narratives Assignment 2 – Concept/Screenplay

Presentation 1 (Week 6) Presentation 2 (Week 12)   The Idea From the moment we knew the theme was NATURE, we agreed we wanted to do something that was comedic and witty in its insight into natural ongoings. In early discussions, we narrowed it down to three distinct ideas: Mushroom Kingdom Bat-man and Robin Insect showdown Of […]

Assignment 1: Helmet Y1 S2: 3D Digital Literacy

Problem-Solving | Log of Issues and Solutions

I found it beneficial to log issues I’ve found along the way and their corresponding solutions. This both notes what I have learned and acts as a useful resource in the future if I come across any of these problems again.   MAYA Non-manifold geometry (status: solved) I learned that being manifold meant keeping my […]

Assignment 1: Helmet Y1 S2: 3D Digital Literacy

3D Modelling Weeks 1-2 | Overview

I initially found Maya intimidating, however, once I followed Alec’s cactus character tutorial I found I began to settle into it. I completed my cactus model with a newfound understanding of Maya that I was able to bring in to class for Weeks 1-2. Having moved from another course, my first day was exciting and […]

Assignment 1: Helmet Y1 S2: 3D Digital Literacy

Research/Concepts Workflow | Assignment 1

I have decided I am going to do design a build a sci-fi helmet. I have begun compiling inspiration on this Pinterest board: I am particularly inspired by concept designer Ralph McQuarrie (Star Wars) and his approach to helmet/prop design. There is a modern, futuristic and minimal feel whilst also being complex and deliberate. […]