Design Thinking in Healthcare (IXD303)

According to design researcher Silvia Vergani and research scientist Danielle Schlosser, In the world of healthcare there are many challenges and opportunities. There is need for healthcare experts should apply a more human-centered approach to their everyday work. Through design thinking method in healthcare, they lead to open discussed and allow them to run tests in order to come up with the best, most innovative solutions to help the healthcare crisis.

Applying Design Thinking to schizophrenia

Through her experience and passion for working with individuals with schizophrenia, Danielle Scholosser wanted to change the way people think about this treatment. At university, she become curious about the design thinking approach and how IDEO May be able to help.

After speaking with Silva and her team at IDEO, it made her think differently about a problem and loved her she was challenged with new ideas thinking she was already expert in.

In collaboration with UCSF and IDEO, Danielle and Silva’s team created an app called “Prime” which helps individuals with schizophrenia achieve their goals and engage with others for support. The aim of the app was to help improve the quality of life for the people suffering with this condition. So far, the results are very promising.

Mindshift’s in Healthcare

Danielle and Silvia have helped change the mindsets of people and are moving the healthcare in the right direction to become more human-centered.

  1. Shifts to Value-based Care
  2. Shift from being reactive to Proactive
  3. Balance High Regulation with Experimentation

Key Points when designing your own healthcare app

  • Define the problem you’re trying to solve.
  • Get a greater understanding of your clients/users’ needs
  • Find inspiration
  • Brainstorm Ideas for solutions
  • Experiment with different ideas
  • Learn


I thought this was an inspirational article and shows how a simple idea can grow. It makes me want to create a product or service by understanding the users’ needs which will make a difference to people’s life’s. It’s good to hear that the healthcare sector is moving in the right direction. I think there is a lot more ways which we can help healthcare.



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