The Periodic Table

What is the Periodic Table?

The Periodic Table is a table made of 118 elements. Its widely used in chemistry/ science classes throughout schools and college. The table is divided into rows known as periods and columns better known as groups.

It’s organized in order based on their atomic numbers starting with the lowest hydrogen to highest which is Oganesson. It is also color coded according to the element group it belongs to, making it easier to understand.

The first ever periodic table was created back in 1869 by Russian Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. It was formatted in a specific way to do with the atomic mass. He left gaps as not all elements were discovered. The periodic table was simply done in black and white.

The periodic today has evolved and changed a lot from then to reflect the discovery and develop of science. The periodic table is regarded as one the most significant achievements in science.


I felt it was important I had a better understanding what a periodic table was, who created it, and what it looked like, even though I briefly learned it in science in school. It give me a refresher of what it was as it so long ago I learned about this. This research I gathered will hopefully help me with my next project which is about the elements in the Periodic Table

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