(IXD103) Sunni Brown- Doodling Ted Talks

This speech Sunni Brown is given is called “Doodlers unit.  During this talk she talks about doodling. “Doodling has a profound impact on the way that we can process information and the way that we can solve problems”. She was curious about the way there was a disconnect between the way our society perceives doodling and the way that the reality is. She discovered the definition of doodle has changed throughout the years from the 18th century to now which she feels it is the most offensive definition.

She gives us an examples of some teachers or bosses for not allowing people to doodle in the classroom. There is no crime committed.

She explained different examples of why there is a psychological aversion to doodling.

She believes the real definition should be :Doodling is really to make spontaneous marks to help yourself think. That is why millions of people doodle. People who doodle when they’re exposed to verbal information retain more of that information. Doodling does not allow you to stop losing focus. It allows us to process information and solve problems.

There are four ways that we can use to intake information so that they can make decisions. They are visual, auditory, reading and writing and kinaesthetic. Doodle is that it engages all four learning modalities simultaneously with the possibility of an emotional experience. That is a pretty solid contribution for a behavior equated with doing nothing.

She then went on to explain her point on why she thinks why doodling is important.

From listening to this speech I feel Doodling is an important in communicating  the visual language. It allows people to express ourselves. The doodle helps us to come up with great ideas. It is an important part in society. There is nothing wrong with doodling as it helps us learn and enables us to jot down our ideas on paper in a creative way.

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