IXD303 Week 5-Content Design

In this weeks lecture of Content Design with Paul we covered: Everything is Content Brand Dictionaries  User Journey Map Touchpoints Lessons from Trailblazers The four main types of content in web/digital design include: Text Imagery Video Data Text 95% of web content is text which means it is so important to get it right when […]

IXD304 Week 4- Journeying Immersively

Macro-interactions-large group, expects interactivity between the site and user. Micro-interactions-small group, expects feedback, feels more of a personal immersive experience between site and user. EG animation on action buttons   Great examples of immersive sites https://bit.ly/snowfallstory If the Moon were only 1 Pixel https://spacex.com (NASA site) https://bigapplehotdogs.com (immersive map) https://Aesop.com (immersive story telling site) https://onemilliondead.com […]

IXD304-Apollo Website Contextual Research

Before I begin the wireframing process for my own Apollo site, I felt it was most beneficial to me to research some existent Apollo websites to see what layout they have and what typefaces they have used to help me find my style and see what is successful and what isn’t. https://airandspace.si.edu/explore-and-learn/topics/apollo/apollo-program/landing-missions/apollo11-landing-site.cfm The first site […]

IXD303- Healthcare App Development

After thinking about what would interest me the most and therefore motivate me into creating the best app possible for the gap in the market, I decided that I would focus my product on Eating Disorder recovery. I decided to take on this subject as it is typically a very taboo subject that people do […]

IXD304 Week 3- Art Direction

What is Art Direction? Whilst a designer is concerned with execution, an art director is concerned with the actual strategy behind this execution. Art direction brings clarity to work. It combines art and design to evoke cultural and emotional reaction. It conveys specific messages to specific groups of people. For Apollo we have to be […]

IXD304 Week 2- Task

Our task for this week was to take a piece of our project content and play about with lists and weights of typography etc to see how drastically we can change a block of text foley through the typography choice. For this task I chose to do the brief. My first thought was I needed […]