IXD302 Week 8- Idea Generation Talk

Week 12 Pitch

In week 12 we will be placed in groups of 5 where we will each take turns to present a pitch based on a product that we have  chosen and developed. This pitch will be 10 minutes in total, being a 5 minute talk followed by a 5 minute Q&A.

What is that?

Your pitch can be based on a range of options EG

  • website
  • native application (phone app, watch app etc)
  • Web App
  • eBook
  • Printed Book
  • cards
  • Physical Product
  • Packaging System
  • Game (app, boardgames)

Idea Generation

Mind Mapping

  • jotting down all ideas onto a page at a fast pace to get all ideas out of your head
  • logical associations
  • categorised
  • fast
  • a range of solutions spiralling out from the central problem


  • Spontaneous
  • fast paced
  • encourages discussion of ideas

Visual Thinking

  • Moodboards
  • Google images
  • Pinterest Boards
  • these moodboards are very beneficial to inspire you and to decide what style you would like to use in your product


  • Quick
  • Very Visual
  • Easy to interpret
  • Lots of iteration
  • sometimes quicker than writing


Making connections- Useful when setting out your own project. Make connections between different factors involved in the project (EG identifying a human need, a target audience, a medium)

EG Education (human need) +25-34 (target audience) +platform game+smart phone (medium) =  a casual game for language learning aimed at young professionals.


  1. Pull a random word or image (dictionary, google image, random word generator) and generate ideas for anywhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes, then pull a new one and go again.


2. Mash 2 ideas together by generating a list of different elements (EG technology, laws, existing services, society etc) then     write examples around each element technology EG phones, laptops etc

Worst Way

come up with the worst possible solution to the problem. This is beneficial as it relieves anxiety around thinking your ideas are not good enough.

Unintended Consequences

Using negative brainstorming to come up with ideas. this exercise is beneficial as it helps to discover negative aspects of a product.

EG streaming services leading to more people staying inside to watch TV instead of socialising outside with others.

What if? How might we?

asking questions or proposing a hypothetical question with different words to come up with multiple solutions based on how you phrase the questions

EG how might we create a Netflix for travel agents? what if a store had no checkouts?

General Inspiration

Get inspired by what is around you Eg go for a walk or explore a new area which you have not looked at before. This is successful if you put the problem to the back of your mind and focus on something else and get inspired by that.

Break the problem down in smaller pieces. this is beneficial as it makes the problem not as scary and therefore easier to conquer.

Osborn Checklist

A list of questions used to come up with new ideas and therefore new products. These checklists are useful to help clear your head when you aren’t sure how to overcome a problem.





P-Put to other uses


R-Rearrange or Reverse



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