#IXD103 Week 9- Portfolio Sites

Task 1- SWOT

the first task of the day was to create a table including our own Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This helps us see what aspects of the industry we are comfortable with and what aspects we need to focus and improve on. We had 30 minutes to complete this task which was a good length of time as it made us really think about how we feel about each aspect of the course.


Mission Statement

during our lecture we had a group task where we all said what we wanted to get out of our degree and then we ordered them in terms of what were of primary, secondary, and tertiary importance.

we then had to make a mission statement based on these to place in our portfolio site.

My Mission Statement-

I want to create an online portfolio to showcase the process of my finished/ongoing work and to gain exposure whilst generating a level of professionalism.


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