IXD302 Expanding on Etiquette

Project Aristotle I want to expand a little on the topic of office etiquette by looking at how to work collaboratively and what makes a great team. What I found to be particularly interesting was the guide Google has created on understanding team effectiveness, code-named Project Aristotle. Project Aristotle was a study completed by Googles […]

IXD302 Week 3 Email Task

  This week we were asked to choose a selection from the above topics and draft an email to help us with emailing in different circumstances. I though this would be a really helpful exercise and have drafted up emails for each. 1. To a manager keeping them up to date on projects progression Subject: […]

IXD302 CV Wireframing

I began my wireframes by first focusing on grids and experimenting with different ways of incorporating grid structures into my final outcome. I felt that there was not enough room for 4 columns so I stuck to variations of 1, 2 and 3 column outcomes. I also considered where I might place heading, subheading and […]

IXD302 Writing content for my CV

I followed the structure presented in our lecture to guide me through what content to include in my CV. This was as follows: Contact details A short bio Skills Work experience Education Awards and Additional Information References Contact details In this section, I want to include my name, home address, number, work email (hello@rachelsdignlab.com). I […]