Month: October 2020

Type Specimen Poster

Background Type specimen posters are used to demonstrate visual examples of how a font performs. This is important for designers as it is an effective way of conveying a fonts aesthetic before using it. Type specimen posters show how the font would look in a range of different weights and sizes, the fonts punctuations, upper…Continue Reading Type Specimen Poster


During Mondays tutorial we were asked to find an example of typography around us and discuss what we liked about it. The piece of typography I chose was a token I kept from the Sagmeister & Walsh Beauty exhibition, a design partnership between Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh. The typeface used is a custom typeface…Continue Reading Typography

Point, Line and Plane

During Mondays tutorial I completed a point, line and plane exercise, in which we were assigned to make 9 designs for each. This exercise pushed my creative thinking skills, it was challenging to create designs with simple shapes however I really enjoyed the task of having to think outside the box. My favourite exercise was…Continue Reading Point, Line and Plane