What do I want to get out of this project?


In my previous post I talked about the new project that I was set. Before I decide on an idea and begin my brainstorming and sketching I want to think about the things that I want to learn about and what I want to get our of this project. I want to make sure I maximise my skills and abilities in the best way and use this opportunity to become a better designer. I decided to stick some sticky notes to a cork board and just write out some things that I want to use this project to learn about. I have included an image of that below-




This small exercise has taught me that I actually can learn a lot from this project and use this task to increase my skill set in a range of different ways. I struggle with lots of different design elements and principles and I want to use this time to practice and better those skills. From above there is a lot of different areas that I want to work on and I talked about typography above and that is something I wan to get good at, I want to use this project to better my skills in that area. I also want to work with images as I have never done this before so I think this is the perfect opportunity to do just that. I always illustrate using Adobe illustrator but for this project I definitely want to broaden my skillset by working with real images, editing and optimising them or even make them move! This has proven that I have a lot of work to do and there is a lot of things I want to get out of this project but it will be worth it if I accomplish most of the sticky notes above, I will try my best to!

IXD301- What do I want to get out of this project?
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